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March 24, 1874: Birth Anniversary of Harry Houdini

by Cindy Blevins on 03/19/16

This magician and escape artist was born Erik Weeisz at Budapest, Hungary in 1874 and died at Detroil Michigan on October 31, 1926.

Have students research more about Harry Houdini. http://www.biography.com/people/harry-houdini-40056#commercial-success

Invite someone to perform a magic trick for the class or watch a Youtube video showing/explaining a magic trick (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nC1SgnzVRdg).

Writing journal prompt/discussion point: If magic tricks were a food, what kind of food would they be? Explain your answer.

March 22, 1908: Birth Anniversary of Louis L'Amour

by Cindy Blevins on 03/19/16

In honor of Louis L'Amour, play a western movie soundtrack as students enter the room and while they do one of the activities listed below.

Have students read and respond to an excerpt from one of Louis L'Amour's books: http://www.amazon.com/Last-Breed-Novel-Louis-LAmour/dp/0553280422#reader_B000FCK2VK (the preface of Last of the Breed). Have them discuss his writing style and how it is similar to or different from their favorite authors today and/or have them respond to the following short answer question: How would you describe Colonel Zamatev? Explain your answer and support it with evidence from the selection.

Select some quotes from Louis L'Amour and have students respond in writing and/or discuss. http://www.goodreads.com/author/quotes/858.Louis_L_Amour 
~~One example: “The trail is the thing, not the end of the trail. Travel too fast, and you miss all you are traveling for.” - Louis L'Amour
~~Do you think one can be so focused on things that will happen in the future that they miss out on what's happening in the present? Think carefully about this question.
~~Write an essay explaining how someone can miss out on great things in life.

Read about Louis L'Amour: http://www.louislamourcollection.com/author.php and compare him to Gary Paulsen: http://www.randomhousekids.com/brand/gary-paulsen/about-gary-paulsen/ 


March 21, 1685: Music and Bach

by Cindy Blevins on 03/15/16

Johann Sebastian Bach was born on March 21, 1685. Play an excerpt of his music during passing period and at the beginning of class. As students enter your room, hand them a sheet of paper with the following questions and instructions:

AS YOU ENTER, find 2-3 other students and answer the following questions (you may use your phone to help you):

1. Who is the composer of this music and what do you know about him?
2. What year do you think this music was written?
3. Why do you think this music was written?
4. If this music were a color, what color would it be? Explain.
5. Complete the following sentence: This music reminds me of --

You can also write these on different colors of paper and students work with others that have the same color. You can then control which students get which color by selectively handing them out as students enter.

After the bell rings and you check roll, go over student answers. This can then be a segue to a writing prompt or a reading selection about Bach.


Throughout history, music has played an important role in the lives of humans.

How does the music you listen to influence you? Think carefully about this question.

Write an essay explaining whether music has a more negative or positive influence on young people today.


1. How is your music similar to or different from your parents or grandparents?
2. Is music import? Explain your answer.
3. Why do you think people still listen to music like Bach that was written in the 1700's?

Welcome to the ELAC Blog! Get your B-12 shots here!

by Cindy Blevins on 03/15/16

The purpose of this blog is to share wonderful ideas and resources for secondary English/language arts and reading teachers.

Even though the spring means preparing for state testing, finding unique ways to practice/review reading and writing skills will keep you and your students engaged. This blog will post refreshing ideas to help you.

If you want some fresh ideas after your spring break, maybe one of the following posts will be perfect for you and your students. If you don't already do so, try to add a few really fun and engaging ELA activities each week. When I started doing this, I found my students loved it, and I went home at the end of the day feeling great to be a teacher! It was like a huge B-12 shot!