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by Cindy Blevins on 01/29/17

Below are a list of topics celebrated in February that you can use as springboards for reading and writing in your classroom. Students can research these topics, read about them, discuss them, and write about them. They can write short research papers, poems, essays, create bulletin boards, hall posters, or informative announcements for your school. These ideas are great when you need something engaging and different to use when you have a few extra minutes or to incorporate into the regular reading and writing you do in your classroom. Most importantly, have fun and share what you do! We love hearing what works for you!

AMERICAN HEART MONTH since 1963 (www.americanheart.org) – Incorporate this into VALENTINE’S DAY and NATIONAL MEND A BROKEN HEART MONTH. Why is the heart associated with Valentines’ Day? What can you learn about the heart and how to protect it physically and emotionally? Create a class or library book of students’ favorite love poems and articles on protecting/healing broken hearts.

BAKE FOR FAMILY FUN MONTH (www.homebaking.org) – How has baking changed since the internet, Pinterest, and Youtube? How is baking a part of your family? Bring famous family baking recipes to share with the class. Write a story to accompany your recipe. Bind these into a class book to celebrate family baking.

NATIONAL BLACK HISTORY MONTH (www.asalh.org) –Combine this with the BIRTH ANNIVERSARY OF LANGSTON HUGHES on February 1, 1902 and FREEDOM DAY ANNIVERSARY on February 1 of 1865. This is when Abraham Lincoln approved the 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution that abolished slavery. Read, discuss, and model poems, memoirs, and short stories by Langston Hughes and other black writers.

INTERNATIONAL BOOST SELF-ESTEEM MONTH (https://quitandrecovery.org/february-is-boost-your-self-esteem-month/) – this was created to focus on the importance of nurturing and cultivating self-esteem to beat the winter blahs, to boost morale, and to inspire yourself and others to seize new challenges. Since Valentine’s Day can be a self-esteem killer for students and many adults, have students brainstorm what they can do about this to make it the best Valentine’s Day ever!

INTERNATIONAL EXPECT SUCCESS MONTH (http://www.karlabrandau.com/international-expect-success-month/) – Combine this with the INTERNATIONAL BOOST SELF-ESTEEM MONTH and PLANT THE SEEDS OF GREATNESS MONTH for a truly successful month! Have students read success stories and articles, listen to successful speakers, and write “How to be Successful” articles to compile and place in the school or class library (be sure to include articles from teachers, too).

LIBRARY LOVERS’ MONTH (https://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/library-lovers-month/) – Have students brainstorm what they can do to celebrate Library Lovers’ Month. What can they do to let the school librarian know he or she is appreciated and let students know all that is available to them through their school or local library?

NATIONAL TIME MANAGEMENT MONTH (https://www.fastcompany.com/3027809/work-smart/7-time-management-strategies-from-some-brilliant-teenage-prodigies) – This might be a good time to help students review and revise their time management skills. Have students read and share articles on ways they can better manage their time and use that information to create time management reminder cards/posters.

NATIONAL WOMEN INVENTORS MONTH (http://herahub.com/resources/national-women-inventors-month-member-spotlight-on-frances-prado/) – Have students create posters to place around the school listing women inventors and their inventions.

YOUTH LEADERSHIP MONTH – Read/discuss pages from Stephen Covey’s book, 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens (http://www.seancovey.com/books/7habits/#), or have students research and come up with their own lists of qualities of highly successful teens leaders. Have students locate and share articles of teens who are making a difference in their communities and around the world. Have students create posters of inspirational quotes to encourage teens to step up and be leaders. You can also create posters to highlight student leaders in your school.

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